Body – Energy – Mind
Just Sitting Meditation In Lake Biwa
ただ坐る瞑想会 In 琵琶湖
Your own meditation way in silence
Place : 15 min walk from Wani Sta. (map)
場所:和邇駅 徒歩15分
Free of charge
We do chanting for 5 minutes before start meditation. (Participation is optional)
Reservation needed
Yoga – 瑜伽
In yoga, you devotedly learn to control your body. you learn meditate and control your breath. after developing these abilities you finally acquire the ability to control your own death. the ideal and ultimate goal of yoga is to have a natural death by your own will.
That is the ultimate control in yoga. – Akashagiri
Tao – 仙道
煉精化気 煉気化神 煉神還虚 還虚合道
laying the foundations – refining essence into breath – refining breath into spirit – refining spirit and reverting to emptiness
Zen – 禅
Zen was born in India, grown in China and blossomed in Japan. – Osho
禅はインドで生まれ中国で育ち日本で開花した。- 和尚(ラジニーシ)